Emergency Management News

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Thanks to @OKMesonet for these July records for the #AltusOK area

Periods of Record
# - large gaps in record
* - Record since tied
Highlight = Jul record
All Temps in deg F
All Precip in inches
Sig Prcp Freq = Pct of
days with >= 0.1" precip
1T Avgs: 95/69
Sig Prcp Freq: 15%
High T110 (1980)
Low T56 (1922)
Precip1.21 (1953)
2T Avgs: 95/69
Sig Prcp Freq: 14%
High T111 (1980)
Low T58 (1924)
Precip1.10 (1968)
3T Avgs: 96/70
Sig Prcp Freq: 10%
High T112 (1980)
Low T59 (1924)
Precip0.87 (2010)
4T Avgs: 96/69
Sig Prcp Freq: 10%
High T111 (1980)
Low T59* (1922)
Precip1.48 (1950)
5T Avgs: 96/69
Sig Prcp Freq: 8%
High T110 (1947)
Low T56 (1915)
Precip1.45 (1950)
6T Avgs: 96/69
Sig Prcp Freq: 11%
High T110 (1996)
Low T56 (1931)
Precip2.05 (1920)
7T Avgs: 97/70
Sig Prcp Freq: 11%
High T110 (1998)
Low T60 (2004)
Precip3.67 (1914)
8T Avgs: 97/70
Sig Prcp Freq: 8%
High T107 (1925)
Low T56 (1952)
Precip2.40 (1928)
9T Avgs: 98/71
Sig Prcp Freq: 10%
High T110 (1917)
Low T57 (1952)
Precip2.08 (1996)
10T Avgs: 97/71
Sig Prcp Freq: 9%
High T109 (2009)
Low T59 (1952)
Precip1.60 (1996)
11T Avgs: 98/71
Sig Prcp Freq: 12%
High T111 (1933)
Low T60 (1999)
Precip1.51 (1996)
12T Avgs: 97/71
Sig Prcp Freq: 16%
High T110 (1954)
Low T60 (1975)
Precip1.68 (1944)
13T Avgs: 97/70
Sig Prcp Freq: 6%
High T109* (1923)
Low T58 (1990)
Precip1.05 (1927)
14T Avgs: 97/70
Sig Prcp Freq: 12%
High T110 (1936)
Low T55 (1990)
Precip0.99 (1996)
15T Avgs: 98/71
Sig Prcp Freq: 7%
High T110 (1936)
Low T60 (1987)
Precip2.02 (1968)
16T Avgs: 97/71
Sig Prcp Freq: 9%
High T110 (2001)
Low T61 (1959)
Precip0.70 (1992)
17T Avgs: 98/71
Sig Prcp Freq: 9%
High T111 (1989)
Low T61 (1919)
Precip1.72 (1919)
18T Avgs: 98/71
Sig Prcp Freq: 10%
High T110 (1936)
Low T63 (1930)
Precip0.88 (1979)
19T Avgs: 97/70
Sig Prcp Freq: 19%
High T120 (1936)
Low T61 (1928)
Precip2.04 (1967)
20T Avgs: 98/70
Sig Prcp Freq: 11%
High T110 (1936)
Low T62 (1947)
Precip1.37 (1950)
21T Avgs: 97/70
Sig Prcp Freq: 11%
High T110 (1981)
Low T54 (1915)
Precip2.25 (1915)
22T Avgs: 97/70
Sig Prcp Freq: 10%
High T110 (1981)
Low T56 (1970)
Precip1.90 (1926)
23T Avgs: 97/70
Sig Prcp Freq: 9%
High T110 (1943)
Low T54 (1970)
Precip0.80 (1971)
24T Avgs: 97/70
Sig Prcp Freq: 14%
High T110 (1943)
Low T62* (1915)
Precip3.18 (1995)
25T Avgs: 97/70
Sig Prcp Freq: 15%
High T112 (1954)
Low T60 (1927)
Precip2.11 (1975)
26T Avgs: 97/71
Sig Prcp Freq: 5%
High T110 (1963)
Low T59 (2004)
Precip1.68 (1975)
27T Avgs: 97/70
Sig Prcp Freq: 9%
High T108* (1964)
Low T60 (1994)
Precip0.61 (1950)
28T Avgs: 98/71
Sig Prcp Freq: 8%
High T109* (1936)
Low T56 (2005)
Precip0.60 (1991)
29T Avgs: 98/71
Sig Prcp Freq: 13%
High T109 (2008)
Low T58 (2005)
Precip0.96 (2002)
30T Avgs: 97/70
Sig Prcp Freq: 15%
High T110 (1947)
Low T58* (1965)
Precip2.70 (1925)
31T Avgs: 97/70
Sig Prcp Freq: 5%
High T109 (1914)
Low T57 (1925)
Precip1.36 (1979)
Jul. Averages
High Temp98 F
Low Temp71 F
Avg Temp84 F

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What are you doing about Heat #AltusOK

"Extreme heat causes more deaths than any other weather-related event. According to a 2013 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study, in the U.S. an average of 658 people per year died of heat related injuries between 1999 and 2009. The following resources can help you prepare for and recover from an extreme heat incident."

The American Red Cross offers these tips:

  • Listen to local weather forecasts and stay aware of upcoming temperature changes.
  • Be aware of both the temperature and the heat index. The heat index is the temperature the body feels when the effects of heat and humidity are combined. Exposure to direct sunlight can increase the heat index by as much as 15° F.
  • Discuss heat safety precautions with members of your household. Have a plan for wherever you spend time— home, work and school—and prepare for the possibility of power outages.
  • Check the contents of your emergency disaster kit (bug out bag) in case a power outage occurs.
  • Know those in your neighborhood who are elderly, young, sick or overweight. They are more likely to become victims of excessive heat and may need help.
  • If you do not have air conditioning, choose places you could go to for relief from the heat during the warmest part of the day (schools, libraries, theaters, malls).
  • Be aware that people living in urban areas may be at greater risk from the effects of a prolonged heat wave than are people living in rural areas.
  • Get trained in First Aid to learn how to treat heat-related emergencies.
  • Ensure that your animals’ needs for water and shade are met.
What are you doing to prepare for Summer?

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Impacts of Drought in #AltusOK

How many impacts of the drought can you count in the photo on the right?  

Some are obvious.  Some are subtle?

Thirty days ago, the area was a foot behind normal in rainfall.  During the next 30 days, as shown in the photo below, Altus got over seven inches of rain.

The area is not out of the drought.  

This is a good time to conserve.  Use the water you need; NEED the water you use.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Take the 40 Gallon Challenge Pledge #AltusOK

It's amazing what you can save by just a few lifestyle changes.

To save FIVE gallons, wash only full loads of laundry and cut back by one load per week.

To save 30 gallons, fix that leaky toilet.

Take the 40 Gallon Challenge Pledge and tell us how you did.