Emergency Management News

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Please take part #AltusOK #OKready

As part of our continued commitment to increase community preparedness and resilliency, are you participating in the Great Central US Shakeaout, which will take place on October 17 at 1017 hours?

In order to prepare to participate in the drill, please review the following steps and take actions that will help to protect you during an earthquake. 
Step 1:
Secure your space by identifying hazards and securing moveable items.
Step 2:
Plan to be safe by creating a disaster plan and deciding how you will communicate in an emergency. 
Step 3:
Organize disaster supplies in convenient locations.
Step 4:
Minimize financial hardship by organizing important documents, strengthening your property, and considering insurance.
We will remind you the day before the ShakeOut and will ask for your participation on the 17th. 
Remember, in an earthquake, we:

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