Emergency Management News

Thursday, September 29, 2011

National Preparedness Day

Preparedness is not something one does one month out of the year.

Preparedness is something you make a part of your daily life.

In order to be really prepared, one must make a conscious decision that "I will prepare" and follow that with definitive steps to become prepared.

One of the barriers to this, however, is knowing where to start.  It's a giant elephant to some that overwhelms their effort to begin.

Do One Thing is an effort to overcome that challenge.  With Do 1 Thing you can take small steps that make a big difference in an emergency.

The disaster supplies kit calendar on the City of Altus web site is another way to carve out manageable steps to disaster resilience.

National Preparedness Month may be winding down but your job is not over.

Please Prepare.

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