Emergency Management News

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Resolve to Be Ready 2014 #AltusOK #OKready

"This year's Resolve to be Ready campaign focuses on 'Family Connection' to reinforce the importance of parents including their children in preparedness conversations in advance of potential disasters.

The Ready campaign makes an emergency preparedness resolution easy to keep by recommending families consider these three ideas when making a plan: who to call, where to meet and what to pack.

The campaign includes age-appropriate tools and resources to introduce conversations about disaster preparedness to children on http://1.usa.gov/1fPwO5r, including a downloadable family emergency plan, emergency kit checklists and guidelines on how to make preparedness a year-round family activity. Check out the materials that you can use in your community to get families prepared in 2014.

Preparedness social media messages
#Prepared2014 Thunderclap message
Ready Kids public service announcement and emergency preparedness videos
Downloadable family emergency plan templates, emergency kit checklists, and disaster fact sheets for kids
Facebook cover photo, banner, and square graphic
Learn about these tools in Spanish: Propóngase estar listo en el año 2014"

See more at Resolve to Be Ready 2014 | Ready.gov:

Are you doing anything to prepare for the next disaster?

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