Emergency Management News

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thunderclap Heard ‘Round the World #NPM14 #OKready #AltusOK

National Preparedness Month (NPM), which is celebrated every September, is almost here.  To show your support, share the NPM Thunderclap message today. Once you sign up, Thunderclap will sync your social media accounts to release an automatic Facebook post, Tweet or both on September 2, 2014 at 2:00 PM reminding your friends and followers to make a family emergency plan.
 It takes just a few steps to join:
  1. First, click the link to this year’s Thunderclap message “Get involved in National Preparedness Month! Be Disaster Aware, Take Action to Prepare. #NatlPrep http://thndr.it/1lf73mC.”
  2.  Once you click the Thunderclap message, you can choose how you will support it; for instance, if you plan to share the message on Twitter, you can click the “support with TWITTER” button.
  3. After you select how you will share the Thunderclap message, you will have the opportunity to customize it (i.e. add #PrepareAthon at the end of the message).
  4. Next, you will have the opportunity to schedule the message by selecting the “Add my Support” button.
  5. Finally, you will be prompted to log in to the social media account (i.e. Twitter, Facebook) you chose use to share the Thunderclap message. Once you enter your accounts credentials, you will select“Authorize App.
Check out other ways, you can get active on social media for NPM by visiting www.ready.gov/september. There you will find the NPM 2014 Digital Engagement Toolkit filled with tweets and Facebook messages to promote NPM and its weekly themes.

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